
Wayne was a senior advisor at Promontory Financial Group where he assisted clients in navigating difficult regulatory examination and enforcement issues. Wayne helped clients stabilize, improve and maintain positive client relations with regulators.

Prior to Promontory, Wayne served more than four decades at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, culminating with service as senior deputy comptroller and chief national bank examiner. In that role, he chaired the agency’s committee on bank supervision and represented the OCC on the Task Force on Supervision of the Federal Financial Institution Examination Council. Previously, Wayne led the OCC’s multinational banking division and served in a range of senior examination and supervisory positions. He gained extensive experience with troubled institutions in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when he served as the comptroller’s deputy at the Resolution Trust Corp. and as director of the OCC’s Special Resolutions Unit. Wayne also served a special assignment with the U.S. Department of Justice as a Legis Fellow in the 97th Congress.

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